Series of Shrimpy Advisory user interface screens. The largest features the recommended strategy page that reads the user is a "moderately aggressive investor.".Three phone screens showing Shrimpy Advisory's user interface. The main screen shown features the user's account balance and basket strategies.

Get started quickly and easily with cryptocurrency investing

(even if you have limited knowledge of crypto)
Backed by:
febush capita logoGaingels logo.Goodwater logo.Oriza ventures logo.Plug and Play logo.Telescopic ventures logo.
Backed by:
febush capita logoGaingels logo.Goodwater logo.Oriza ventures logo.Plug and Play logo.Telescopic ventures logo.
Automated Crypto Investing
Shrimpy Advisory offers a simple, automated crypto investing option for people with limited experience in cryptocurrency. Answer a few questions to assess your risk tolerance and investment timeline and we’ll recommend a curated portfolio of cryptocurrency that aligns with your goals. If you’re more knowledgeable in crypto, you can also customize your mix of cryptocurrencies.
Learn More
Shrimpy Advisory persona quiz screens.
Invest a Little or A Lot
Shrimpy Advisory puts you at the helm of the ship. There are no account minimums. Invest to your comfort level and Shrimpy Advisory will allocate your deposits to align with your overall portfolio strategy.
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Screens of Shrimpy Advisory's user interface.
Lots of Fish in the Sea
Shrimpy Advisory allows you to invest in the asset classes that matter to you. Whether you’re interested in Web3, Layer1, Utility tokens, Blue Chip cryptocurrencies, or more, Shrimpy Advisory gives you the freedom to invest in what you want.
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Shrimpy Advisory user interface screens.
Phone icon features a bar and graph. It also has seaweeds coming out from the side to match the Shrimpy brand.
Made for Beginners
Get set up and start investing today
Shrimpy Advisory persona quiz screens.
a comprehensive
Simple crypto investing
Shrimpy Advisory offers a simple crypto investing option for people with limited experience in cryptocurrency. Answer a few questions to assess your risk tolerance and investment timeline and we’ll recommend a curated portfolio of assets that aligns with your goals. If you’re more knowledgeable in crypto, you can also customize your mix of assets.
A graph illustration features btc coin and a floating jellyfish to match the Shrimpy Advisory branding.
Start small
No minimum deposit to get started
Screens of Shrimpy Advisory's user interface.
a comprehensive
Invest a little or a lot
Shrimpy Advisory puts you at the helm of the ship. There are no account minimums. Invest to your comfort level and Shrimpy Advisory will allocate your deposits to align with your overall portfolio strategy.
An illustrative logo featuring a wallet and timer. It also features floating starfish to match the Shrimpy Advisory branding.
Find your favorite basket
invest in crypto sectors that matter to you
Shrimpy Advisory user interface screens.
a comprehensive
Lots of fish in the sea
Shrimpy Advisory allows you to invest in the asset classes that matter to you. Whether you’re interested in Web3, Layer1, Utility tokens, Blue Chip assets, or more, Shrimpy Advisory gives you the freedom to invest in what you want.
A Comprehensive Dashboard
Your dashboard is the navigational hub of your Shrimpy Advisory account. Here you’ll be able to link an account for deposits and withdrawals, see how your portfolio is performing, update your strategy, and view your trade and transaction history. This is also where you’ll receive any notifications about your account as you are getting set up or are updating your investment strategy.
Clean, Elegant User Interface
Mobile and Tablet-friendly
Track Performance Over Time
Customize Your Basket Allocations
Set Up a Deposit or Withdrawal
View Quarterly Reports

* For illustrative purposes only. Any performance figures displayed should not be considered representative of actual performance. The percentages shown below are allocations, not performance values.

Shrimpy Advisory's dashboard interface shown in a tablet and phone.
Illustration of a fish with bubbles.Tablet view of Shrimpy Advisory's recommended strategy screen.
As your capital balance increases, Shrimpy Advisory will provide you with additional crypto basket options to help balance your portfolio and align with your long-term investment goals and risk tolerance. You’ll be able to monitor this journey from your dashboard. Should your long-term goals change, you can quickly and easily customize your basket allocations at any time.
View Your Investment Journey
Stay Current with Your Overall Performance
From your dashboard, you’ll be able to quickly and easily see all the trades and transactions that have occurred in your account. You can monitor your performance at a glance, or you can navigate to your Account Info section to get an in-depth look at your quarterly reports. These reports detail each basket’s performance at the start and end of a quarter, as well as the performance of your overall account.
Illustration of bubbles and anchor.
Laptop view of Shrimpy Advisory's account statement page.
Illustration of a fish with bubbles.Tablet view of Shrimpy Advisory's opted in screen for recommended strategy.
Investing in cryptocurrency is complicated. With Shrimpy Advisory, you can opt into our autopilot feature, which means we do all the heavy lifting so you can sit back, relax, and spend your time doing what makes you happy. With autopilot, we will proactively manage your portfolio when our basket compositions change due to market conditions. We are constantly monitoring the industry and performing research and analysis to ensure all of our baskets are up-to-date with current industry data and trends.
Put Your Investments on Autopilot
Illustration of two women and a man pointing to a chart which resembles Shrimpy Advisory's "My strategy" section.
Three screens featuring Shrimpy Advisory's user interface. The middle and largest screen is the user's dashbaord, while the mobile screen on the left  previews how a user can link his/her's account and the right small screen features the 2FA authentication screen.

* For illustrative purposes only. Any performance figures displayed should not be considered representative of actual performance. The percentages shown below are allocations, not performance values.

Blue illustrative arrow pointing to down.
Shrimpy Advisory
Crypto Baskets
Shrimpy Advisory helps investors gain exposure to different crypto sectors through baskets with unique themes. Based on your own personalized risk profiles, Shrimpy Advisory will recommend the optimal mix of baskets for your long-term investment goals.
BTC iconETH Icon

Bitcoin and Ethereum Basket

Equal Allocation of BTC & ETH

This basket contains equal amounts of the two most recognized cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum. These cryptocurrencies have historically been the largest by market capitalization and critical performance indicators of the broader crypto market.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

50/50 btc and eth illustrative graph





Basket Strategy

Launch Date:

November 1, 2022

Market Selection:

Cryptocurrencies with large market cap and a strong, established history.

Market Adjustments:

Quarterly (by calendar quarter, not date onboarded)

Allocation Detail:

Portfolio rebalancing will be performed at the end of the calendar quarter to bring allocations back to specified percentages. In the interim portfolio allocations will be subject to market volatility due to price movements.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Learn More
Chainlink logo iconDAO logo iconFilecoin logo iconMakerDAO logo icon

Utility Basket

Infrastructure and Utility Cryptocurrencies

This basket contains digital cryptocurrencies that provide tools and infrastructure for the crypto ecosystem, including: network scalability, data management, developer tools, payments, and security. The focus for this basket is to hold digital cryptocurrencies that provide necessary utility for the crypto ecosystem to function efficiently and effectively.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Utility basket allocation graph showing 30% LINK, 30% CRV, 30% MKR and 10% ETH.









Basket Strategy

Launch Date:

November 1, 2022

Market Selection:

Cryptocurrencies providing tools and infrastructure for the crypto ecosystem

Market Adjustments:

Quarterly (by calendar quarter, not date onboarded)

Allocation Detail:

Portfolio rebalancing will be performed at the end of the calendar quarter to bring allocations back to specified percentages. In the interim portfolio allocations will be subject to market volatility due to price movements.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Learn More
BTC iconETH IconLTC logo iconChainlink logo icon

Blue Chip Basket

Large Market Cap; Established Projects

Similar to cryptocurrencies in traditional finance, this basket contains cryptocurrencies that have large market capitalization, a strong track record of adoption, and have an established history. These cryptocurrencies are not defined by any particular sector and provide broad exposure to well established cryptocurrencies.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Blue Chip Basket's allocation graph illustration displaying 30% BTC, 20% ETH, 30% LINK and 20% LTC.









Basket Strategy

Launch Date:

November 1, 2022

Market Selection:

Cryptocurrencies with large market cap and a strong, established history.

Market Adjustments:

Quarterly (by calendar quarter, not date onboarded)

Allocation Detail:

Portfolio rebalancing will be performed at the end of the calendar quarter to bring allocations back to specified percentages. In the interim portfolio allocations will be subject to market volatility due to price movements.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

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avee iconcomp logo iconuniswap logo icon

DeFi Basket

Decentralized Finance Cryptocurrencies

The DeFi Basket invests in digital cryptocurrencies that are primarily focused on decentralized financial applications. These cryptocurrencies provide traditional financial products without the use of an intermediary. DeFi projects can include exchanges, lending, derivatives, savings accounts, and many more.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Illustration demonstrating the DeFi Basket broken down into a third aave, comp and uni.







Basket Strategy

Launch Date:

November 1, 2022

Market Selection:

Three governance tokens focused on decentralized finance (DeFi)

Market Adjustments:

Adjusted the first day of each calendar quarter

Allocation Detail:

Portfolio rebalancing will be performed at the end of the calendar quarter to bring allocations back to specified percentages. In the interim portfolio allocations will be subject to market volatility due to price movements.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Learn More
Solana logo iconFTM logo icon.DOT logo icon.LTC logo iconXTZ logo icon.

Layer 1 Basket

Smart Contract Blockchains

The Layer1 Basket is comprised of cryptocurrencies that operate their own blockchain network. These specific networks sometimes allow developers to build custom applications on top of the blockchains using smart contracts. This basket provides investors with exposure to alternative blockchains outside of Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Layer1 basket's allocation illustrative graph showing 20% SOL, 25% LTC, 15% XTZ and 15% FTM.











Basket Strategy

Launch Date:

November 1, 2022

Market Selection:

Cryptocurrencies operating on their own blockchain networks

Market Adjustments:

Adjusted the first day of each calendar quarter

Allocation Detail:

Portfolio rebalancing will be performed at the end of the calendar quarter to bring allocations back to specified percentages. In the interim portfolio allocations will be subject to market volatility due to price movements.

Risk Tolerance:

Lower Risk*

*This risk level is only factoring in the risk of the digital assets.

Learn More
Shrimpy Advisory charges 1.2% of total cryptocurrencies under management annually. This means that if you were to invest $1,000, you’re only paying $1 per month to Shrimpy! We’re in this with you for the long haul and want to help anyone and everyone achieve financial freedom.*
*Fees will be above $1 per month as account value grows over $1,000.
A series of four screens showing Shrimpy Advisory's user interface.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose Shrimpy Advisory?


We are a registered investment advisor providing an automated financial cryptocurrency investment platform designed with your security in mind by partnering with industry leading custodians, exchanges, and service providers.

*Registration does not imply a certain level of training or skill or that your account cannot lose value.

How does it work?


Investors will open an account, answer a few questions regarding their personal finance goals, and deposit funds electronically. Shrimpy Advisory will allocate your funds among one or more curated cryptocurrency baskets that balance your financial goals with your tolerance for risk.

Where will Shrimpy Advisory be available?


At launch, we will only be serving clients based in the United States.

Is Shrimpy Advisory a retirement account?


At launch, Shrimpy Advisory will not function as a retirement account. However, this is a capability we plan to include in the future.

Is Shrimpy Advisory Safe?


Shrimpy Advisory only partners with industry leading custodians, exchanges, and service providers. We are registered as an investment advisor with the SEC* and our team has experience with financial markets and cryptocurrency.

*Registration does not imply a certain level of training or skill or that your account cannot lose value.

Why is your name Shrimpy Advisory?


The word Shrimpy stands for you, the average investor. We don’t build products for the rich, wealthy, or whales. We build products that are accessible to everyone and make you feel like friends, family, and colleagues. Our name reminds us that we aren't a stuffy corporation, we're a brand for the people.

How often does Shrimpy Advisory rebalance?


In general, Shrimpy Advisory rebalances on a quarterly basis. However, Shrimpy Advisory will also perform trades when new funds are deposited or funds are withdrawn. This allows us to keep your portfolio in balance between quarterly rebalances.

What are the vendor fees associated with Shrimpy Advisory?


There are trading fees passed on from exchanges and network fees when making deposits or withdrawals.

Educational Resources

Illustration of an underwater scene with a girl holding her laptop with one hand. There are starfish and bubbles and an anchor slightly swaying in a looped motion.
How can we help?
We're happy to assist.
Shrimpy Advisory Logo
The above material and content should not be consideredto be a recommendation to invest in a basket or an individual digital asset.Investing in digital assets or cryptocurrency (collectively “digital assets”)is highly speculative and volatile, and digital assets are only suitable forinvestors who are willing to bear the risk of loss and experience sharpdrawdowns.Shrimpy Advisory is a brand name of WAO Fintech LLC.WAO Advisory, LLC (“WAO Advisory”) is a subsidiary of WAO Fintech LLC.

WAO Advisory LLC is an investment adviser registered with the US Securities andExchange Commission. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply aparticular level of skill or training. WAO Advisory exclusively providesinvestment advisory services related to investing in digital assets.

WAO Advisory is not a broker-dealer, exchange, custodian, or wallet provider,and is not intended for frequent trading activity. The articles and clientsupport materials available are educational only and not investment or taxadvice.

Who Provides What Service?
Investment Advice: Advisory services for digital assets are provided by WAOAdvisory LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. Digital Asset Trading Services & Custody: Digital asset trading services and custody are provided by Gemini TrustCompany, LLC.  For further details regarding the custody of assets,including cash, held at Gemini Trust Company, please see your Gemini useragreement.

Risk: Investing involves risk and there is the potential of losing money whenyou invest in securities and digital assets. Past performance does notguarantee future results and the likelihood of investment outcomes arehypothetical in nature.  Any past performance in the above material ofdigital assets do not represent the performance of a Shrimpy Advisory accountand does not reflect the deduction of the advisory fee. Regarding any instanceof extracted performance, the Adviser offers to provide promptly theperformance of the total portfolio.

Investments in digital assets are: Not FDIC or SIPC Insured • Not BankGuaranteed • May Lose Value

Before investing, consider your investment objectives and advisory fees andexpenses. WAO Advisory's internet-based advisory services are designed toassist clients in achieving discrete financial goals. They are not intended toprovide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning with respect to everyaspect of a client's financial situation and do not incorporate specificinvestments that clients hold elsewhere. For more details, see WAO Advisory’sForm CRS, Form ADV Part 2A and other disclosures.